Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When the critics

Jilian Hai: This is not a matter of CCTV. So I would like to ask everyone in the end not seen my show? When the critics, I still recommend Everyone is still exactly read through her speech. If I really made that remark, how called me, how to criticize me, are acceptable. but did not even see that others, and this is not a good sign. Media should be proper guidance from well-intentioned, but this is not grandstanding, others, and I think this is not a responsible media behavior. .stand up, parents are illiterate, two lenses add up to 3000 degrees .Moderator: Criticism many of your articles, there are many articles leather belts to support you and support you have a large number of users. This year you have had many staunch fans, FANS, who called themselves is called You grow up the glorious history, how did you become such a learned man?

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