Sunday, August 29, 2010

the End of the World in the mix for so long

the End of the World in the mix for so long, found in the hearts of many of my friends start a contradiction, both entrepreneurial passion to go it alone, while another tragic failure worried about the fate! So many of my friends thought for a long time , and finally decided to wait and see, in January after a January, after a year after year, passage of time, no time, immersed in the life of working hard to Ziba, Jie Hun Gong his body growing economic Jiasuo Chen Zhong , no longer able to pump, and had to resign themselves to fate, working life. China, Wenzhou is known as China's richest people, I know several young people from Wenzhou, in their still in college, the idea of the different, the most like hanging in the mouth If the edge is:warn them, and imperceptibly become the principle of doing things in their minds.these principles is that some ideas, this idea of thinking of other places, where very different idea of, even if there are similar choice, I guess a lot of friends precisely the opposite of their choice.But this idea is very advanced, it is this concept so unique Wenzhou, China's richest people.Many people have heard of this sentence, but an instant that is forgotten, but to me the fact that they verify the truth all the time! my university has a female student, is the only class of Wenzhou people, more long ugly learning is not intention, is to open shoe factory at home parents, so the economic well-off point. In class exams are in the middle and lower each other, like to show off a little bit of money, very obstinate, so the boys did not chase her, despise her female students . But this girl's favorite brag about 5 years after graduation to buy BMW cars, to give future husband to do a wedding gift, others feel that she is Italian, more hate her.

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